Virtual Divorce and Custody Mediation Services

California Divorce

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Provides virtual divorce services from start to finish, including assistance with filing the case with the Superior Court, preparation and exchange of financial disclosure documents, online meetings to discuss and resolve all issues including, but not limited to, alimony (spousal support), child custody and visitation, child support, property division, and attorney’s fees and costs, if necessary. Melissa will draft and work with parties to revise and sign an enforceable agreement reflecting all party agreements and ensure divorce forms are signed and filed with the court.

Custody and Co-Parenting Disputes

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Provides support and mediation services for parties who share custody of a child but were never married (sometimes called paternity or parentage cases). Mediator to work with parties to initiate a case with the Superior Court, exchange documents and calculate child support, online meetings with the parties to discuss and resolve all issues including, but not limited to, physical and legal custody, holiday and vacation parenting time, and child support. Melissa will draft and work with parties to revise and sign an enforceable agreement reflecting all party agreements and ensure all final forms are signed and filed with the court.

Mediation of Post-Judgment Modification Issues

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Online meetings with parties to discuss and resolve any post-Judgment modifications to the divorce judgment or prior written agreements. Melissa will draft and work with parties to revise and sign an enforceable agreement reflecting all party agreements and ensure requisite forms are signed and filed with the Court

Mediation services provided under a hybrid flat fee structure with packages starting at $3,500 and must be paid in advance before any services will be rendered by Mediator.

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Negotiation Coaching

Melissa works with clients one-on-one to understand their underlying needs and goals, and to anticipate those of the other spouse or party. She helps clients develop priorities and clear objectives for their negotiations in divorce or custody cases or settlement discussion. Melissa will educate the client about the psychological profiles of the parties, teach basic negotiation principles, such as determining each party’s underlying needs and Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA), and teach negotiation techniques such as how to formulate an offer. She may also address divorce dynamics, answer questions about procedure, assess strengths and weaknesses, prepare through role-playing, and consult mid-negotiation.

Online Negotiation Coaching services are charged per session and must be paid in advance.

Do you have questions on the mediation process? Read common questions and answers on our FAQ page.